Our Skin has three layers:
  • The epidermis is the outermost layer of our skin which provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone
  • The dermis is the layer beneath the epidermis, it contains our tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands
  • The deeper subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) is made up of fat and connective tissue

Our skin’s colour is created by special cells called melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin. Melanocytes are located in the epidermis and our skin will often produce excess melanin which results in hyperpigmentation or skin discolouration.

Skin ConditionProblem Skin Conditions

  • Rash – Any change in the skin’s appearance can be called a rash. Most rashes are caused by skin irritation but others can be a result of certain medical conditions
  • Dermatitis is a general term for inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema) is the most common form and your skin needs to be able to naturally heal itself with a little help from treatments and products
  • Eczema is skin inflammation (dermatitis) causing an itchy, red rash and it is often caused by an overactive immune system
  • Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that can cause a variety of skin rashes. Silver, scaly plaques on the skin are the most common form
  • Acne is the most common skin condition which affects over 85% of people at some time in life
  • Cellulitis is inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues and is usually due to an infection. A red, warm, often painful skin rash is generally a result of Cellulitis
  • Skin abscess (boil or furuncle) is when a localized skin infection creates a collection of pus under the skin. Some abscesses need to be opened and drained by a doctor in order for it to improve
  • Rosacea is a chronic skin condition causing a red rash on the face. Rosacea may look like acne and is poorly understood
  • Pigmentation is when the skin produces excess melanin, resulting in dark coloured patches. Melanin is a pigment that gives our skin its colour and it’s produced by skin cells called melanocytes. Several different conditions or factors can alter the production of melanin in the body, including sun damage, medication, hormonal changes and skin damage
  • Hives are raised, red, itchy patches on the skin that arise suddenly. Hives are usually a result of an allergic reaction
  • Viral exanthem are viral infections causing a red rash affecting large areas of the skin which is especially common in children

This is not an exhaustive list of skin conditions or problems and there are many more. At HL Cosmetics we always advise you go to a specialist skin consultant for them to asses your skin as there are so many skin conditions that are misdiagnosed and the incorrect treatments and products applied, resulting in no improvements or the skin condition reacting or becoming worse. A lot of doctors will offer antibiotics for skin problems but always be aware these may reduce the problem in the short term but won’t help the skin naturally repair in the longer term so the problem will often return.

Free, friendly and confidential consultations are available with Dr Quandt and she will listen to your concerns and offer you an appropriate treatment plan.  She will talk you through the skin layers, the problems you are experiencing and how the HL Cosmetic treatments and products will help as well as any associated risks. If you would like to arrange a consultation you can contact Dr Quandt directly on 07557 237480 to arrange your appointment convenient to you.